CSR Action Guidelines

As a trading company handling chemical substances, we, Tokyo Chemical Co., Ltd., will strive to be a trustworthy company by promoting corporate activities that take into account our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and by adhering to the following action guidelines.

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations
    • We will comply with laws, regulations and social rules relating to chemical substances, domestic transactions and international trade.
  2. Building trust with business partners
    • We will provide products and services that meet our customers’ needs and also provide the accurate information, and strive to build business relationships in accordance with fair rules, based on mutual trust.
    • We will strictly protect the information we handle in the course of our business without leaking, improperly disclosing or using it for other purposes.
  3. Contributing to environmental conservation
    • Based on our environmental policy, we will strive to contribute to both a prosperous society and the conservation of the environment.
  4. Creating a comfortable working environment
    • We will respect the human rights and diversity of our employees and provide a fair, safe and comfortable working environment in which each individual can demonstrate his/her abilities and vitality.
  5. Dealing firmly with antisocial forces
    • We will take a firm stand against antisocial forces and groups and will not have any relationship with them.

Environmental Policy

 We will promote business activities that take into account the conservation of the global environment and aim for sustainable development.

  1. We will acquaint ourselves with laws, regulations and systems relating to chemical substances, and strive to minimize their impact on the environment.
  2. We will strive to use resources and energy efficiently and reduce the environmental impact of our business activities.
  3. We will take the utmost account of the environment in the products and services we deal with.
  4. All our employees will make every effort to implement this Environmental Policy.